Activities - Projects

Parks Victoria are aware that great damage is being done to the bushland areas by these tracks being forced through the vegetation.   Friends of Karkarook Park are mapping and documenting these tracks in order to work with Parks Victoria on a management program.


The conservation reserve was a part of the original design of Karkarook Park.  Trees , shrubs and grasses were planted out largely by volunteers and the conservation areas fenced off.    Unfortunately this conservation have been allow to degrade over time.
Whilst not an 'active project' at this time, the committee is lobbing for the restoration of the conservation reserve and habitats.
Reports on what is happening in this regard can be found here.

An on-going issue.  Read the latest here

Our plan is the establish this native garden to showcase the plants indigenous to this area.  These plants would also act as a source of seeds and cuttings for propagation throughout the park.   The garden has been cleared of weeds, mulched and planted out with a number of native plants.  
It is hoped that the garden will develop into something really interesting over time.

Nature Trails

A project still in its concept stage (in fact barely a project at this time!)  An outline of the concept can be found here

Karkarook Lake

We've been pushing to have the lake restored to it's design  parameters.
Read the story of Karkarook Lake
Follow the progress here.