Activities - Weed Control

Parks Victoria are working on a management plan to control invasive plants (weeds!)
Eventually it is hoped that much of the passive recreation area (between Fairchild street and the lake) that is not grassed (and mowed) will be maintained such as can be seen near the park exit.
What you can see there now is the beginnings of the Karkarook Native Garden

Whether this is feasible depends upon the ability of the friends group to maintain it.

The Karkarook Native Garden is slowly being developed.  Initial weed control consists of a thick lay of mulch above sheets of cardboard.   It is hoped that the weeds and the seed bank  thus covered will compost and decompose  before the cardboard decomposes (we'll see).
Ultimately, a long term plan is required together with scheduled maintenance.


Largely under control at Karkarook Park, but outbreaks occur on a regular basis. 
Known outbreak are mapped here
Related Links:  Dept Victorian Primary Industry - National Blackberry Program - Blackberry Control Manual